Cashewkerne (Kaju) - 225 g


Sale price CHF 6.70
CHF 2.98 / 100 g

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Kaju Cashew kerne nature

Our crunchy fresh cashews are an absolute classic. Gently roasted and refined with salt, this delicious snack is a real delight! The intense taste of the cashews in particular makes them a real taste sensation.    

Cashewkerne (Kaju) - 225g typically contains the following ingredient:

  1. Cashews (Kaju) – The primary ingredient, which is a type of nut from the cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale).

Cashews are usually sold raw, roasted, salted, or unsalted. Depending on the specific product, additional ingredients such as salt or oil may be added for flavor, especially if the cashews are roasted.

Common variations could include:

  • Salted Cashews – containing salt
  • Roasted Cashews – where cashews are roasted, sometimes with a bit of oil.
  • Raw Cashews – with no added seasonings.

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