Bier Skol Lata
Skol Pilsen is a typical light beer, with a refined aroma and a light, mild flavor. Its bitterness is less pronounced and its alcohol content is medium.
4.60% Alcohol
Ingredients in Bier Skol Lata - 350 ml:
Water: The primary ingredient, which forms the base of the beer and makes up the majority of the beverage.
Malted Barley: Malted barley provides the fermentable sugars that are converted into alcohol by the yeast. It also contributes to the beer’s flavor, giving it a mild malt sweetness.
Rice: Like many other light lagers, rice is used as an adjunct ingredient. It helps lighten the body of the beer, resulting in a crisp, clean finish.
Hops: Hops are used to add bitterness and aroma to the beer, balancing out the sweetness from the malt and rice. The bitterness in Skol is moderate, providing a light and refreshing taste.
Yeast: Yeast is responsible for the fermentation process, converting the sugars from the malt, rice, and corn into alcohol and carbon dioxide, which gives the beer its alcohol content and carbonation.
Corn (optional): Corn may also be used as an adjunct grain to help produce a light, crisp flavor.
Sugar (optional): Sugar may be added in small amounts to help fermentation or adjust the flavor profile, although it's typically kept to a minimum.
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